There are a lot of petite women including models and celebs in this world who look great and even you can look like that with some changes here and there in your wardrobe.
No human body has any flaw or defect in them if you know some tricks of fashion. You can trick any one with some tricks to look tall and pretty.
Here are some tips which can help you in giving an illusion about your height to boost your looks.
- Any high-waisted outfit like skirt, pants or jeans are something you should look for and make sure that they are slim.
- Start adding clothes like tops and V-necks in your wardrobe with vertical lines as it will help in created a taller illusion. If you like printed dresses then go for small prints.
- Choosing the correct fit is a very vital step for petites if you're looking to look taller. Going for supper tight or bulky clothes will make you look shorter than your actual height.
- Start wearing accessories which goes well with your height like small jewellery as it won’t make you look small and don't buy any broad necklaces, earring, bracelets, etc.
- If you have got any nice physical features then use them as a distraction for your height.
- Bright colors do have the potential in giving you a taller look and you can also mix dark and bright colors as per your style and taste.
- Wearing shorts or Capri’s can give you a smaller look so make sure you're checking yourself in the mirror before going out in them.
- High heels are also a great option for enhancing your height as well as style and try your best to avoid any flat footwear.
- Skinny jeans and pants are something which you should try as they will help in increasing your height (as an illusion only)
- Wearing attire with a single color will also help in creating a tall illusion as there are no breaks and in between.